Amplifi Europe have always been passionate about raising awareness, fundraising and doing wonderful things for others. For 2023, we have partnered with our local Mind charities of South Warwickshire & Worcestershire and York, and will be supporting them throughout the year with various charity events.
The Amplifi team have always been dedicated to trying new things and pushing themselves to new limits to raise money for our chosen charities.
We have participated in Wolf Runs, attempted the 24-hour Three Peaks Challenge, taken part in sweepstakes for everything from Eurovision to the World Cup (to win our elusive Amplifi GOAT trophy!), thrown ourselves from planes at 13,000 feet, completed marathon-length hikes in Speedos... and that was all just in 2022.
We asked the Amplifi team who our chosen charity should be for our fundraising efforts in 2023, and received lots of nominations and feedback, with Mind being the overwhelming choice.
The wellbeing of our team is a top priority for our People & Culture team, which makes Mind an even more obvious partner to choose. We will be working to support our local charities based in South Warwickshire & Worcestershire and York, and are excited to support local fundraising efforts and initiatives with their regional teams – as well as completing our own challenges!
1 in 4 people have mental health problems, and most people don’t get the help they need. Mind are fighting for mental health – offering help whenever it is needed through information, advice and local services. Mind also lobbies government and local authorities to make sure mental health stays on the agenda and gets the attention it deserves. You can find lots of information on all-things mental health on the Mind website.
The Matt Hampson Foundation has also always been close to our hearts here at Amplifi, and we have spent previous years fundraising for the amazing work they do supporting people seriously injured through sport. In 2022, we raised over £10,000 for the Foundation, and were able to dedicate our fundraising towards their new Intensive Rehab Lodges onsite at their Get Busy Living Centre in Leicestershire. The Matt Hampson Foundation are still a valued charity partner, and we dedicate our annual Wolf Run to fundraising for them!
Amplifi Europe have always been passionate about raising awareness, fundraising, and doing wonderful things for others. We encourage our employees to take part in charitable activity, and offer our professional services to support our charity partners as part of this policy.
At Amplifi, we’re committed to supporting our employees when considering their duty as part of protecting the environment. We take action to reduce our impacts on the environment through; flexible and remote working, a paperless office environment, and recycling facilities in all office space.
At Amplifi, we strive to have fair business practices and are conscientious of our ethical responsibilities. We are proud of our inclusive people policies, and are diligent about the products we use and consume in our office spaces.
Our 2023 fundraising activities are underway, and you can check out how our team are getting on raising money, or support us, on our JustGiving page! All donations will be split between both South Warwickshire & Worcestershire Mind and York Mind... let’s see if we can beat our 2022 effort!