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Is your business Data Fit?

Successful data management is a marathon, not a sprint. Amplifi can be your personal data trainer, from starting your 'Couch to Data Fit' challenge, to running the data marathon and beyond - we're here to help you evolve your data strategy based on long-term business goals.

Ready... steady... GO!

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Which leading brands trust Amplifi as their Personal Data Trainer?

Time to get off the couch...

To ensure your business' data is lean, efficient and fit for purpose, you need a solid data strategy.

Being ‘data fit’ means using your data to achieve your business goals. It means having high-quality data to hand at the right time, in the right place, helping you to take actions that will reduce costs and risk while increasing efficiency and revenue.

You could be using customer data to create personalised experiences for retail/casual dining customers. It might be using a PIM solution to give you better insight into your product data to improve your data consistency across multiple channels.

Whatever it is, when you have the right data strategy, you’ll start seeing the results.

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The process of getting data fit

Nurtition is key

Nutrition is key!

A healthy data diet plan will fuel your business to achieve its goals. If you consume data junk instead of data superfoods, you’re more susceptible to poor data quality, and won’t be able to get the right value from your data management solutions.

Want to know what to include in your data diet?

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Yoga or Deadlifts Column

Yoga or deadlifts?

Identifying a fitness goal is similar to understanding your business' data needs. Want to hit a faster serve than Serena? Swim like Michael Phelps? Each objective requires a drastically different approach - it’s exactly the same when it comes to data quality.

What objectives are you trying to achieve with your data?

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Data Matathon Column

In it for the long haul...

While short-term goals are important, successful data management is a long-term process: you need to keep focussing on your data health as well as setting new goals to ensure that your data remains fit for purpose long into the future.

How do you keep data in-line with evolving business needs?

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Amplifi Data Fit Guide Mockup April22

Ready to start your 'Couch to Data Fit' program?

New year, new you.

Introducing Amplifi’s Data Quality Bootcamp, our guide to defining your data fitness and taking the first steps to improve your data quality for good. Want to get better data quality in four weeks? Download our guide.

Before & After

Seeing real results with Amplifi’s Couch to Data Fit

A great data strategy is like a great fitness plan. You need to identify your objective, get in the right mindset and then most importantly, stick it out for the long-haul. But what happens if your data objectives change?

It’s not just about having short-term plan to follow: it’s about changing your organisational mindset to make data quality a fundamental part of your business. Just like a good fitness coach can change your attitude to exercise forever, Amplifi will work with you to create behaviours that become long-term good data habits.

Download our Couch to Data Fit Guide
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Let Amplifi be your personal trainer

At Amplifi, we act as our clients’ personal data fitness guru, supporting you through your data fitness journey, pushing you to reach your data quality goals. We have a wealth of experience advising clients in virtually every sector on the best data management solution for them. Whatever your organisation, Amplifi can get you data fit with a fitness plan that will get your business moving.

We can work together with a step-by-step assessment and capability offering that makes data quality achievable, measurable and goal-oriented. Or, if you're already partway through your data management journey, review your current setup to help you get the most out of your data!

Hire a personal trainer, and get your data fit journey started!

Get in touch
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Amplifi are here to help!

If you want to adapt your data strategy, implement a new data solution or get more out of your existing solution, we can help you get the most out of your data.

Fill in the form and one of our expert Personal Data Trainers will be in touch to get you started on your data-fit journey.