8 examples of QSR case study data wins: Real business impact from our QSR clients

Fast food chains can gain significant business benefits from strategic data management. From mobile app customizations and multichannel ordering to menus and mergers, we talk you through 8 different use cases we have implemented for our Quick Service Restaurant clients.

Discussing product data is one thing, but QSRs need actual business results. Tangible transformation is the only way to move as ‘fast’ as your fast-food competitors. In this blog, we’re sharing real stories from case studies of how our QSR clients apply data for significant business value.

Use case 1: Ordering on the mobile app with customization and nutrition transparency

QSR customers have a big appetite for mobile apps. To compete, chains must deliver a fantastic app experience to improve orders, margins, and customer loyalty.

Take it from one of our QSR clients. With Amplifi’s help, we launched PIM to centralize their product data. We also brought in Pricing and Location data as reference domains allowing them to power the customer experience across all channels, including their mobile app.

PIM is the rules-based engine that determines, based on market and location, which items are available to sell to customers on the app, along with the pricing and nutritional values associated with every possible ingredient.

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you’re a customer visiting Atlanta. You open the mobile app and select the store of your choice. Immediately, the data is used to filter menu options based on availability at that precise location.

Next, you can view items and customize your order. Ingredients and preparation options are presented based on location-specific parameters. The moment you add customize your order, the app automatically displays updates to nutritional values and pricing.

With every click, data is pulled from PIM and filtered accordingly. This allows each store to provide accurate caloric values that match precise customizations, ensuring compliance with regulations and giving customers confidence in their orders.

Use case 2: Customization without logistical chaos

Filtering product data for locations and serving nutritional values is only one part of managing customizations. Another important factor is placing guardrails so that the customer can personalize their order, while still preventing wild choices that could cause chaos in the kitchen.

In the case of this QSR client, PIM serves as the engine for valid customizations. For example, a customer can select a certain customization but within reasonable limits. They can add whipped cream to drinks but not to breakfast sandwiches.

Establishing customization guardrails is a perfect example of how to leverage PIM as your business requirements evolve. When a QSR has PIM in place, we can consider how to incorporate a new requirement into the process—build it, test it, and make it a reality.

Use Case 3: Accurate multichannel ordering

QSR customers are increasingly tech-savvy and have high expectations for multichannel menus and ordering. Recognizing this shift, our client, who is a large operator of restaurants and bars, wanted to give their customers accurate menu information and ordering options, anytime and anywhere.

They had an existing MDM solution but needed enhancements to deliver accurate data to a variety of endpoints. So, Amplifi helped modernize their solution by integrating Product, Menu, Location, and Supplier data across all operational and analytical systems. We also designed a self-service capability so that outlet managers can enrich data specific to their location, like hours or special events.

Now, the chain can deliver accurate Product and Location information across multiple endpoints, whether the guest wants to order at the table, host a party, pick up dinner, or have it delivered via a third-party app. This allows the chain to plan globally while delighting guests locally.

Use Case 4: Reimagining order and pick-up for higher margins

Since the pandemic, QSRs have developed new strategies to meet convenience demands. For some, this means syndicating accurate product data to third-party apps like DoorDash and Uber Eats. Others, like our Mexican cuisine fast-casual client, use operational insights to reimagine the order and pick-up experience.

Our fast-casual client completely transformed their MDM approach, driving improvements across product experience and operations initiatives. One of those projects included launching a new pick-up lane model reserved for mobile orders.

What began as a way to optimize efficiency during peak times has become a major revenue booster. Paired with mobile ordering, these lanes have hundreds of basis points of higher margins than in-store orders. The new model is also a significant driver of their mobile rewards program, which has over 30 million loyal members.

Use Case 5: Localizing the guest experience

In QSR, context is everything, especially when it comes to how location impacts taste preferences, pricing, promotional strategies, and more. This is where Location data makes a big difference, particularly when integrated into a Multi-domain MDM approach that supports decision-making.

One of our fast-casual clients, a popular burger chain, exemplifies how prioritizing Location data can kick-start a total transformation.

When the chain began its MDM journey, centralizing its master list of locations was a top priority. Amplifi helped implement a scalable Multi-domain MDM platform, yielding quick results. By centralizing restaurant Location data and connecting it with other reference domains, they were able to drive business process improvements across financial reporting and the local guest experience.

Use Case 6: Equipping franchisees with target promotions and pricing

Another success story is from one of America's favorite chicken chains, which leverages a data virtualization platform to understand the context of their outlet locations.

This client leverages this data to help franchisees adjust menus and pricing to better suit local needs, driving growth. With targeted promotions and smart pricing—often delivered through the popular mobile app—they run highly focused marketing campaigns. Integrating localized competitor data also helps them plan product and promotional strategies more effectively.

Use Case 7: Optimizing the supply chain

QSR chains also rely on accurate product data to improve supply chain logistics. For example, one of our clients, a sandwich chain’s purchasing cooperative, struggled with negotiating and managing the franchisees’ supply chain,

Siloed data and manual processes limited their decision-making. In one case, a comparison with a partner’s system revealed that 84% of attributes didn’t match up, affecting critical logistics data.

The co-op needed a new approach focused on data governance, collaboration, and pricing accuracy. With Amplifi's help, they implemented a Multi-domain MDM solution and created a unique Pricing domain. This new module establishes a layer of standardized pricing data that sits on top of product and trading partner information, providing a holistic picture of data truth and collaboration.

With the new system, they've empowered internal associates and external trade partners to collaborate efficiently. Whenever data or pricing changes, all data relationships automatically update. This saves employees significant time, ensures pricing accuracy, and allows franchisees to accurately price menus based on the actual cost of goods.

Use Case 8: Successful menus and mergers

Another success from our pub and brewer client shows how data can help when merging companies and optimizing menus. The restaurant operator was undergoing a merger and faced reconciling two legacy systems used for recipe and menu development. Unfortunately, neither solution had the scalability they needed. But they didn't want just another piece of technology; they wanted a transformation.

With Amplifi's help, they implemented a scalable PIM system and leveraged change management to ensure employee adoption. This transition improved data accuracy and eliminated much of the tedious manual data entry that drained their resources.

With the merger complete and the PIM system in place, they were able to enhance their menu development cycle and use accurate reporting to drive improvements. Sales and margin performance increased, and costs decreased.

Their story shows that prioritizing transformation and process, not just technology, can bring significant business benefits. By understanding how data flows through the business, they made impactful changes that extended far beyond the basics.

How will you use your QSR data?

Just like the many QSR clients we’ve helped, your business can gain significant business benefits from strategic data management.

To uncover more targeted strategies for using QSR data, download our latest guide, Can data make fast food faster?, which will show you how to apply data across key domains for tangible business results.

Download guide: Can data make fast food faster?

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