Customer Data Hero

Customer data will always be relevant.

Collating and maintaining accurate, reliable data is crucial to understanding your customer, creating exciting and relevant data initiatives and supporting your business goals. Once you’ve gathered the right data and defined your ‘golden record’, you open the door to a whole host of data-driven possibilities.

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Customer Data Management

Analyse and understand your customer in the digital age with Customer MDM (CMDM). Customer Master Data Management is an integral discipline in your wider Master Data Management strategy providing you with the ability to track the history of customer interactions, improve the revenue generated from targeted marketing campaigns and establish more meaningful relationships with your customers.

Which leading brands have trusted Amplifi with their Customer Data?

What is Customer Data Management?

Customer Master Data Management seeks to create an accurate single source of truth for your customer data, where records can be managed and created centrally, or integrated from other sources - while seamlessly avoiding duplications and data crossover. By providing customer data in a single, effectively governed platform, you’ll have a single customer view which accurately describes your customers across all data sources and channels.

Master Data Management (MDM) ensures your data always displays a single version of the truth across every channel, function and system in your business – Customer MDM becomes the single reliable source of all your customer data. With Amplifi’s support, you’ll be able to select, interpret and digest your data like never before.

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Our Approach

Customer Data Management with Amplifi

Amplifi’s approach to Customer Data Management approach aligns with Gartner’s seven building blocks for successful data management. Every Amplifi approach is based on the following principles:

Vision – what you want to achieve with your data.
Strategy – how you are going to get there.
Governance – the controls around how people, processes and systems interact with your Customer data.
Organisation – the roles of individuals and groups in your business to author, manage, consume, and maintain Customer master data.
Process – the business processes through which Customer master data is created, updated, and used.
Performance metrics – measuring your CMDM initiative’s success.
Technology – choosing the software and systems that will help to enable your CMDM goals.
CMDM Diagram

Amplifi's eighth building block: Data

CMDM is nothing without good quality, relevant data to fuel it.

At Amplifi, we feel there is an eighth building block: Data. Accurate, good quality data is a necessity for success – that’s why our data services give clients full confidence in their data.

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How do you define your customer?

Download our customer data guide.

A golden record, is simply a definition of who your customer is, what they want and how to effectively sell to them. Our guide talks you through the process, from getting the information you need, to making the right decisions with data.

Benefits of Customer Data Management

Effective Customer MDM can help you to track history of customer interactions, avoid duplication in data processing and gain more accurate customer insights to deliver more value to your organisation:

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Why do you need Customer Data Management?

A common question often raised by business leaders or IT specialists is – “Why do we need Customer MDM when we already have a solid CRM strategy?”. While a CRM is very effective at helping you to build and manage Customer relationships, this delivers little value without first understanding who your customers are. This is made possible through Customer MDM.

Just as a sound MDM solution works to harmonise your data across an organisation, Customer Relationship Management is only effective when an organisation’s data is accurate and reliable – which is why having a Customer Data Management strategy and approach is vital.

Depending on the size of the company and the desired outcomes of your master data, CMDM can dramatically amplify the value of your existing CRM system – as well as facilitating a much more valuable customer experience in the process. Without CMDM in your CRM strategy, you risk misunderstanding your customers, producing irrelevant content and misaligning your products and services for your audience.

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How can Amplifi help?

Equip your CRM team with the sales and interaction data they need to optimise customer experiences for online and offline channels, with a Customer MDM Solution implemented by Amplifi. Alternatively, discover our full selection of data management services.

Why choose Amplifi as your data consultancy?

Amplifi is the go-to data consultancy for Enterprise organizations that want their success to be driven by data. We empower our customers to innovate, grow and succeed by establishing and delivering strategies across all elements of the data value chain. From the governance and management of data through to analytics and automation, our integrated approach to modern data ecosystems delivers measurable results through a combination of expert consultancy and best-in-breed technology.

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