Making smarter decisions with Pyramid Analytics

Business decisions are becoming more complicated, which is why Data and Analytics leaders need to apply modern analytics and data practices that will enable speedy, consistent, and accurate data-led decisions. Here we explain all things Pyramid Analytics...

The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform = an intelligent approach to decision-making.

As businesses become more complicated, traditional decision-making will ultimately become increasingly ineffective to those relying on it. That’s where Pyramid’s Decision Intelligence Platform comes in.

What is Decision Intelligence from Pyramid Analytics?

Decision Intelligence is an approach designed to address the frustrations and shortfalls of current decision-making strategies, in a practical and effective way.

Gartner defines Decision Intelligence as a process which “models each decision as a set of processes, using intelligence and analytics to inform, learn and refine decisions.”

The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform empowers any person in an organisation - from the C-suite to the front-line, and everyone in between - and equips them with the insights they need to make faster, more informed decisions, even if they don’t have a technical background in analytics or data.

It is designed to help data and analytics leaders increase their organisation’s capabilities along three key dimensions: data, people and analytics - from the simple to the sophisticated.

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Why is a modern analytics platform important?

The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform is a fresh view on an ageing practice. Traditional business intelligence is typically routed in manually created static reports and dashboards that demand requests to see a particular data set, or technical skills to understand different analytical views, which in turn restrict decision-making.

Organisations are under growing pressure to make better and faster decisions for their business, and this requires data and analytics leaders having easy access to the intelligence they need. As decisions become more complicated, with a growing number of factors to consider, it is now more important than ever for leaders to be able to apply modern analytics techniques that enable speedy, consistent and accurate decisions.

So, how is the traditional BI approach becoming outdated, and why is Pyramid Analytics different?

There are lots of different ways modern analytics are rethinking traditional approaches to analytics and BI, so let’s use the three dimensions we mentioned earlier to assess the main points of evolution: data, people and analytical capabilities.


Although investments in data and data management have grown substantially in recent years, organisations are not able to use all their business data to make decisions. Traditional BI tools mandate that data is put into a central location before it can be analysed. This is an outdated approach due to the volume of data a business now needs to process. Traditional platforms do not have the scalability, tools, and processes to grasp this sheer amount of data; the processing of data for analytical consumption is too time-consuming to be sustainable. At the same time, organisations tend to use a mix of analytics tools across different teams to drive decision-making, creating data siloes that are incompatible with other departments. This segmented approach ultimately creates a loss of confidence in business insights. Business users and leaders are left wondering which insights reflect the truth and which ones do not.

Instead... The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform allows businesses to establish direct access to an organisation’s data, regardless of its source, to provide analytics without the need to prepare data for consumption, or to create unnecessary replicated data in departmental siloes.


With traditional BI, it is likely only technical roles such as IT personnel, analysts, and data scientists who have specialised skills, will know how to use their analytics platforms. These ageing tools, that require technical skills and training, don’t readily support the wider business having easy access to data-driven analytical insights. Empowering anyone in an organisation with the insights they need to be successful is more important than ever for a business to stay effective and efficient, and traditional BI tools struggle with this.

Instead... The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform processes grant access at all levels of an organisation, empowering users without the necessity for complex technical knowledge or training, and instead allow them to have easy access to the important information they need to be successful.


Many organisations will have access to and be using multiple BI platforms. This may be because they serve different purposes, access different sources or are used by individual departments. This means many large organisations have to manage different analytical tools, vendors, support contracts, training programs, and maintenance and infrastructure costs to serve these different analytical needs. Many departments and functions in a business need analytical reports and BI tools, but the result of multiple platforms is a fragmented, segregated and counter-productive departmental approach that produces inconsistent KPI reporting, and questionable accuracy.

At times even those analytics and BI professionals who have access to data are limited by the insights they can produce; they end up restricted by their tools’ capabilities and cannot predict what’s next or foresee business opportunities to capitalise on.

Instead... the Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform treats analytics for an organisation as a holistic practice, inclusive of a spectrum of analytical capabilities that meet various departmental needs - whether that be Sales, HR, Finance, Operations or Marketing.

What can a successful approach to modern analytics achieve?

1. Direct access to any data

More data is being created, aggregated and consumed today than ever before. That data all has the potential to work as an asset under successful Decision Intelligence when it is effectively accessed and analysed. The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform allows your business to leave its data where it is, and directly interrogate and analyse the data from its source location. This means simpler and quicker analytics, as it eliminates the need to replicate and prepare your data for an analytics platform.

Your organization can then work to get the most out of its data, regardless of how complex your environment is, by leaving the data in place, and instead bringing your analytics platform to your data. It will also reduce the need to replicate or move your data to a new siloed location, so will mean that your overall data governance won’t be affected by analytics.

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2. Deploy experiences for any person

By centralising data access to a single location, and by giving anyone — regardless of skill — analytics experiences that adapt to their needs, an organisation can scale analytics and put it in the hands of not just a ‘skilled few’ but the ‘many.’ Pyramid’s Decision Intelligence Platform can be extended to all people in the organisation to make better decisions in their unique roles - from the simple things, right down to the complex details.

The right choice of analytics platform also allows individuals to be pro-active, accessing and preparing data for analysis independently without having to wait for IT. This will also mean a reduction in the backlog of requests for reports, dashboards, and data extracts.

3. Easily meet any analytical needs

Successful modern analytics will be able to meet any analytical needs from the simple to the sophisticated, addressing the full spectrum of requirements. By taking a strategic approach to analytics and choosing a unified platform that’s purpose-built for people with different needs, you can produce consistent reporting for the overall business.

It can also extend analytics across the organisation, accelerating the adoption of insight-led decisions by everyone at all levels, through tailored access to the insights they need. This empowers all users, from a data novice to a data scientist to be self-sufficient, where analytics empowers each and every level of the business.

The ability to serve a spectrum of analytical needs ultimately helps organisations grow revenue and identify new areas of growth; reduce cost, complexity, and risk; and boost productivity by saving time and money.

The concept of what's possible with data continues to evolve and that makes this an exciting time to be a leader responsible for business intelligence and analytics. More data is available to make decisions. More people want to make decisions with data. And more sophisticated analytics are in demand.

As a result, many BI and analytics leaders are rethinking their approach to capitalise on these opportunities and enable their organisations to elevate their analytics game. For 3 reasons to consider Pyramid’s Decision Intelligence Platform for your business analytics, download our guide below.

Amplifi is the go-to consultancy for businesses that want their success and innovation to be driven by data. This is achieved by designing and implementing modern data ecosystems, of which a powerful analytics platform is key. Amplifi is in a unique position to work with enterprise businesses that want to make the most of their data insights, and create analytics processes based on Decision Intelligence.

In partnership with Pyramid Analytics, we create value by combining the Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform with Amplifi’s expertise in data strategy, data integration, data prep, ETL, data management, data quality and data governance, which opens up huge opportunities for enterprises to make rapid, trustworthy decisions based on reliable data. Download our guide below for reasons to consider the Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform, or get in touch with our data and analytics experts today.

Download | 3 benefits of Pyramid Analytics

Download our guide to understand the benefits a modern analytics platform can bring to your organisation, ultimately working to empower smarter decisions in your business, including:

  • How modern analytics can speed up your business insights
  • How you'll be able to enable users at all levels of your organisation
  • How a purpose-built platform can be tailored to deliver the intelligence you need
  • How to increase adoption of data-driven decision making in your organisation
  • How to empower those without specific training or technical ability to make smarter decisions
Amplifi Decision Intelligence Guide Mockup