How can QSRs achieve tangible results with multi-domain MDM?

The future for Quick Service Restaurants is data-driven and full of potential. Here we discuss examples of how leading QSRs drive value and deliver results with multi-domain MDM.

In the fast-paced world of quick-service restaurants (QSRs), success hinges on more than just increasing sales. It's about perfecting every aspect of your business—from product and customer to supply chain and beyond.

So, if you’re still only managing data for one domain—or not at all—it’s time to consider Multi-domain MDM as a holistic way to leverage data for tangible business results.

Why does multi-domain MDM matter to QSRs?

Relying on single-domain data management can hinder your ability to adapt and grow. This won’t work in QSR, where trends change fast and competition is fierce.

Multi-domain MDM helps you operate with the bigger picture in mind, recognizing that data is complex, nuanced, and ever-changing. It helps QSRs connect the dots between products, customer preferences, locations, and supply chain dynamics for better decision-making.

From a technology perspective, Multi-domain MDM also gives QSRs the flexibility and scalability required to remain agile as requirements change. There’s no technical debt to slow you down.

How do leading QSRs win with multi-domain MDM?

QSRs don't just want to keep up; they want to set the pace. That's where tapping into data across your business makes a real impact. Here are several real-world examples of how leading QSRs use Multi-domain MDM to drive tangible business results.

Shake Shack enhances operations with centralized “Shack List”

In QSR, context is everything, particularly when it comes to the impact location has on pricing, customer preferences, supply chain, and operations.

Take Shake Shack, for example. When the chain started its MDM journey, mastering the “Shack List” was the top priority. The QSR succeeded in creating one centralized platform to access all restaurant location data, which drives its major business processes, such as monthly and quarterly financial reporting and supporting the overall guest experience.

But they won’t stop there. Ben Vardag, director of Data Services at Shake Shack, noted, “We quickly realized that there is an abundance of other MDM use cases that exist at Shake Shack and can be supported by Semarchy. We see opportunities across supply chain, operations, finance, HR, and even IT. There’s really no shortage of scenarios that can use better data management tools and data quality initiatives.”

IPC-Subway layers pricing with product

Competitive pricing stands out as one of QSR’s top challenges—and for IPC (an independent SUBWAY® franchisee-owned and operated purchasing cooperative) it necessitated a custom solution.

To meet IPC’s unique challenges, Amplifi built a custom Pricing domain to establish a layer of standardized pricing data that sits on top of product and trading partner information. Now, IPC has the holistic picture of data truth and collaboration that it needs to improve margins and gain efficiency.

According to the company’s director of Supply Chain Systems and Standards, "That choreography across domains is where the value proposition comes from, including transparent, front-and-center data that the whole IPC community can benefit from."

Chipotle drives a full digital transformation

When Chipotle started its MDM journey, the first domain on deck was Location, including all restaurants across North America and Europe. From there, the chain evolved to mastering all global products and menus. The success of these projects, utilizing an iterative approach, accelerated its full digital transformation.

As a trendsetter, Chipotle established an intelligent data management application to handle the requirements of mastering, managing, governing, and enriching data for restaurants, menus, locations, and tax program information. The chain’s Multi-domain MDM solution also supports a variety of profitable ventures, such as growing the successful Chipotle Rewards program and 'Chipotlane' pick-up model.

What’s the best way to adopt multi-domain MDM?

Some QSRs shy away from Multi-domain MDM because they believe an implementation could be overwhelming. Yet, with the right approach, that’s not the case.

The good news is that you don’t need all domains, all at once. The key is to take a phased approach. Start with a clear data strategy aligned with the goals set by your leadership.

Next, it’s time to “crawl, walk, run” toward those goals. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, break your data initiatives into bite-sized, manageable chunks. Prioritize projects based on impact and feasibility — elements that a data partner can help you uncover.

Remember: Multi-Domain MDM is more than technology; it’s a mindset. Platform selection is part of this process, but how you implement the platform is what sets you up for success.

Can multi-domain MDM make fast food faster?

Multi-domain MDM isn't just a strategy; it's a game changer for QSRs who want to outpace the competition and innovate at every turn. To uncover more targeted strategies across domains, download our latest ebook, Can Data Make Fast Food Faster? below.

This guide goes beyond merely identifying the data QSRs have and where to find it. We share how to use that data to make a real difference and achieve tangible business benefits.

Download guide: Can data make fast food faster?

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