Microsoft Fabric 101

Meet Microsoft Fabric: an integrated SaaS solution combining OneLake, Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory. Simplify data management, enhance analytics, and unlock AI-driven insights with seamless data engineering, real-time analytics, and business intelligence.

Reshape how everyone accesses, manages, and acts on data with Microsoft Fabric

In an age where the choice of data technology is almost limitless, Microsoft Fabric brings together new and existing components from OneLake, Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory into a single, integrated environment. This environment is tailored to provide various user experiences that meet your unique needs.

Microsoft Fabric is a SaaS solution built to cover everything from data movement to data science, real-time analytics, and business intelligence. It offers a comprehensive suite of services, including data lake, data engineering, and data integration. With Fabric, you can implement a highly integrated ecosystem that is designed to simplify your analytics needs and build a foundation which enables the delivery of value from AI.

Whether you're looking to start from scratch or looking to build on your use of tools like Power BI or Azure Data Factory, Microsoft Fabric offers a low barrier to entry on all fronts. However, it also has the ability to scale to meet large, complex requirements.

By leveraging your modern data ecosystem, you can maximize your data's potential, driving impactful outcomes and gaining significant value from your analytics initiatives.

Blog Image Microsoft Fabric

What capabilities does Microsoft Fabric offer?

Microsoft Fabric offers a robust set of features designed to address a wide range of data and analytics needs, empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of their data.

  • Data Engineering: Develop systems that help you efficiently organize and analyze large volumes of data.
  • Data Science: Leverage AI tools to create extensive workflows, enhance your data, and extract deeper insights.
  • Data Warehouse: Scale your computing and storage capabilities independently with superior SQL performance.
  • Real-time Intelligence: Quickly explore, analyze, and respond to streaming data, ensuring high performance with minimal latency.
  • Business Intelligence: Convert your data into visually compelling, interactive insights and integrate them seamlessly with Microsoft 365.
  • Copilot in Microsoft Fabric: Enhance your productivity and creativity using natural-language prompts within notebooks, pipelines, and reports.

What are the key parts of Microsoft Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric integrates several essential components, each contributing to the creation of a modern data ecosystem. By using these components, your organization can streamline its data processes and maximize the value of your data assets, aligning with Amplifi's value chain messaging.

OneLake serves as a central repository for both raw and processed data, functioning as a blob storage system. It houses data in both lakehouses and warehouses for analytics use cases, with processed data becoming data products that can be surfaced externally. Additionally, OneLake includes warehouse components.

Synapse, Microsoft's encapsulation of Apache Spark, provides a set of compute resources for data engineers. It allows you to process data using languages such as Python or SQL, enabling robust data transformation and analysis.

Data Factory is a cloud-based ETL and data integration service that enables your organization to create data-driven workflows. These workflows orchestrate data movement and transformation at scale, allowing the ingestion of data from disparate sources into the Microsoft Fabric ecosystem.

PowerBI enables users to visualize and share insights derived from data within Microsoft Fabric. It showcases the culmination of integration, engineering, and data science efforts, providing interactive and visually compelling reports.

Data Activator offers a no-code experience that automatically takes actions when patterns or considerations are detected in changing data. It monitors data in PowerBI reports and Eventstreams, triggering appropriate actions such as alerting users when thresholds are met, or patterns are matched.

Data Science empowers users to complete end-to-end data science workflows, enhancing data and deriving business insights. Activities range from data exploration, preparation, and cleansing to experimentation, modelling, model scoring, and serving predictive insights to BI reporting.

Microsoft Fabric and Purview

Microsoft Purview supports your organization in governing, protecting, and managing its data through a unified platform. It addresses data security, governance, and risk & compliance. MicrosoftPurview includes features such as a data catalog for assets within Microsoft Fabric and is available as a standalone solution for external data.

Medallion architecture in Microsoft Fabric

The medallion architecture provides a systematic and effective approach to managing data within a lakehouse. By dividing data into bronze, silver, and gold tiers, organizations can streamline data processes, ensure transparency, and enhance performance. This step-by-step improvement, along with governance, supports advanced analytics and machine learning initiatives.

The medallion architecture consists of three distinct data layers:

Bronze Layer:

  • Raw data is collected from various sources such as databases, APIs, and files.
  • Data pipelines are used to ingest, validate, and load this information.
  • Metadata, including load timestamps and process IDs, is recorded.

Silver Layer:

  • Some transformations are applied to the data in this layer.
  • Data is cleaned, normalized and standardized, ensuring quick and efficient processing.
  • The emphasis is on ELT (extract, load, transform) to expedite data movement into the lakehouse.
  • The silver layer is where re-usable data products live

Gold Layer:

  • This layer represents the final, ready-to-use data state.
  • The data is likely in a star schema to allow for efficient aggregations, and cross-referencing.
  • Data scientists and analysts use this layer for reporting and visualization.
  • Data in this layer does not have re-use at its core, as its value lies in delivering analytics and intelligence
Onelake medallion lakehouse architecture example

Source: Microsoft. If you want to know more, click here.

Why is Microsoft Fabric Important?

Microsoft Fabric can accelerate data engineering, governance and data science initiatives across an organization through a single platform as it seamlessly integrates data and unifies its governance.

The speed at which the tool can be established, compared to competitors, means that all your data teams can be pulling in the same direction from day 1. This is less time administering, governing and setting up the tool and more time deriving value from your data.

It is a big step in the direction of self service. With security baked into workspaces and domains and dedicated experiences within the tool (e.g. engineering vs data science), users get the tooling they need, with the guardrails in place to analyze data safely and securely.

Through OneLake Microsoft have leaned into the use of Excel and local processing of data, allowing these local data sources to be embedded as part of the Microsoft Fabric. This means that business users can continue to use tools such as Excel to process their data as they know how, whilst not creating a silo for themselves — that data is part of the Microsoft Fabric and is then able to be processed by the engineers and scientists for further aggregate analysis.

Finally, Microsoft Fabric’s ability to scale with your needs using a simple capacity unit means there is no longer the need to understand complex, on-demand cloud pricing. Budgeting for your data and analytics platform is easy to understand and execute on.

How can you expect to benefit from implementing Microsoft Fabric within your organization?

Microsoft Fabric offers a range of benefits designed to streamline your data processes and enhance your data ecosystem. Here are the key benefits you can expect:

  • All-in-one solution: With Microsoft Fabric, you have access to a comprehensive suite that includes integration, engineering, data science, and analytics/reporting, all in one platform.
  • Real-time observability: You can stay informed with real-time monitoring and alerts, ensuring you and your team are always aware of critical data points.
  • Powerful reporting: Microsoft Fabric provides a robust reporting engine, Power BI, helping you communicate data insights effectively throughout your organization.
  • Flexible SaaS model: The pay-as-you-use model helps you avoid large upfront costs and capital expenses associated with traditional software.
  • OneLake storage: You can seamlessly integrate your data lake with local files, such as OneDrive and SharePoint, creating a cohesive data ecosystem that combines user files with advanced data engineering and science capabilities.
  • Proven technologies: By using Microsoft Fabric, you can leverage established technologies like Data Factory, Synapse, Python, SQL, and PowerBI, allowing your organization to utilize existing skills and tools without the need for extensive retraining.

Why are Amplifi the right partner for Microsoft Fabric?

Amplifi is a Microsoft Accredited Partner with decades of experience in the data industry. Backed by hundreds of consultants globally, we have the expertize and resources to support your data initiatives effectively.

We offer a ready-to-go Microsoft Fabric plan and approach, designed to deliver value quickly with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) offering. This strategy ensures rapid initial success, allowing for expansion into additional use cases as needed.

Our comprehensive service lines provide expert support in Data Factory, AI, and Power BI spaces. This enables you to drill down into these areas with detailed, specialized assistance, ensuring all aspects of your data needs are thoroughly addressed.

If you’re looking to get started with Microsoft Fabric, the good news is it’s really easy to get going, with a low barrier to entry on all fronts. To make the most of the platform, you need to make sure you have a plan of action going into it, and some guardrails in place to make it effective for your organization.

Read our 6 steps to getting started with Microsoft Fabric, or get in touch to see how Amplifi can help deliver value for your organization here.

Download Guide | 6 steps for getting started with Microsoft Fabric

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