News & Resources

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Blog Unpopular culture: the top 5 things blocking data culture in enterprise manufacturing

Unpopular culture: the top 5 things blocking data culture in enterprise manufacturing

Why can’t an industry overflowing with data embrace being ‘data-driven’? We explore how to overcome what’s standing in their way...
Blog Data Quality, Amplified: Why data quality is vital for decision-making

Data Quality, Amplified: Why data quality is vital for decision-making

As Amplifi, we’ll be turning our data quality management services up to 11, helping you make business decisions based on clean, reliable and consistent data.
Blog PIM, Amplified: Get the most out of your product data

PIM, Amplified: Get the most out of your product data

A single, centralised source for your product data – wouldn’t that make life so much easier?
Blog Data Governance, Amplified: Giving your data a new voice

Data Governance, Amplified: Giving your data a new voice

As Amplifi, we’re going to be shouting louder than ever before about data governance and how it can transform your business.
Blog Metadata Management 101

Metadata Management 101

How can metadata help you realise the true quality and value of your data? Metadata Management puts your data into context. The key is understanding where it comes from, why it exists and how relevant it is…
Blog Creating a Request for Proposal (RFP)

Creating a Request for Proposal (RFP)

Don't just download an RFP template. Make sure you carefully consider your unique requirements to find the best possible solution.
Blog Getting MDM buy in from your business

Getting MDM buy in from your business

To get buy in from across the business you need to understand "why" your data needs better management, not just "how".
Blog Are you (and your data) ready for MDM?

Are you (and your data) ready for MDM?

Have you considered if you're ready to invest in MDM technology? How to make sure your data quality and governance is good and your people are ready.