News & Resources

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Blog Rip it up and start again? Understanding the anatomy of a modern data ecosystem

Rip it up and start again? Understanding the anatomy of a modern data ecosystem

We examine the anatomy of a modern data ecosystem and how to identify key capabilities in your existing technology stack.
Blog Technology + Culture: the makings of a modern data ecosystem

Technology + Culture: the makings of a modern data ecosystem

What makes a data-driven enterprise? Amplifi examines the relationship between culture and technology in a modern data ecosystem.
Blog Data Fabric: New Buzzword or Revolutionary Approach?

Data Fabric: New Buzzword or Revolutionary Approach?

Mike Evans, Chief Innovation Officer at Amplifi discusses Data Fabric's potential to revolutionise the way enterprises manage, share and interact with their data within modern data ecosystems.
Blog How do you create a modern data ecosystem?

How do you create a modern data ecosystem?

In the first in a new series, Amplifi examines the key elements of a modern data ecosystem and how to introduce them to your enterprise.
Blog Losing your head? Understanding PIM’s role in headless commerce

Losing your head? Understanding PIM’s role in headless commerce

As retail races towards fast, composable ecommerce solutions, MACH principles are defining technology selection. But where does PIM come into it? Mike Evans, Amplifi’s Chief Innovation Officer, explains.
Blog Quality control: How enterprise manufacturing can address its data quality issues

Quality control: How enterprise manufacturing can address its data quality issues

Unreliable information can wreak havoc on your asset management, supply chain resilience and profitability. Amplifi shares their tips for creating a data quality conveyor belt.
Blog Manufacturing a data culture: 6 tips to implementing Data Governance

Manufacturing a data culture: 6 tips to implementing Data Governance

For manufacturers, Data Governance is the difference between a data driven future and falling behind the sector’s digitisation. Here, Amplifi shares their 6 tips to getting it right.
Blog That's... not what I ordered?

That's... not what I ordered?

Improving customer experience can increase sales and reduce returns. What part does Product Information Management (PIM) play?
Blog 4 reasons every online retailer needs PIM

4 reasons every online retailer needs PIM

The true value of Product Information Management (PIM) is in the experience customers have with your brand online.