Data Democracy

A word from Derek Corrick, our North American MD, on empowering your business through MDM.

Data Democracy in full view

"Data is the lifeblood of every organization. It drives every business function, from supply chain to purchasing, through analytics to sales, even HR and hiring. It always has – even before businesses transitioned to digital."

Derek discusses how to democratize data, and how to utilise the 2.5 billion gigabytes generated per day:

Empowering your business – not just your CIO – through MDM

Data is the lifeblood of every organization. It drives every business function, from supply chain to purchasing, through analytics to sales, even HR and hiring. It always has – even before businesses transitioned to digital. Because data is just information – the same thing that has driven our decision making since our ancestors could chalk up how many sheep were in a field.

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Yet now that ‘information’ has become ‘data’, we suddenly see it as a technology capability, firmly in the realms of the IT department. The term data conjures up an image of complicated numbers and systems, inaccessible to everyone else in the business, and when it comes to digital transformation this misconception creates a roadblock that restricts data’s usefulness.

Read more of Derek's article below:

Contact Our Expert Team

If you need help implementing effective solutions, or want to talk about the data issues impacting your business, call Derek on +1 470 481 5200 or email [email protected]. At Comma, we specialise in data transformation of this kind, and have helped businesses like yours to overcome challenges and overhaul their data management.