Dixons Carphone Data Breach

Comments from Comma's CEO following this news

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Dixons Carphone has admitted a huge data breach involving 5.9 million payment cards and 1.2 million personal data records.

The announcement comes less than a month after GDPR came into force this May – but as the incident occurred almost a year ago, the company should avoid the much heftier fines proposed under the new regulations.

However, there is more at stake than financial penalties (although, with GDPR proposing fines of over €20 million, you could say that Dixons Carphone has dodged a bullet). A data breach is a breach of trust. As brands make the switch to digital, they make a promise to their customers that their data – be it their personal information or credit card details – will be protected.

Leigh Wells, CEO Comma Group, comments: “Brands increasingly see data as a golden ticket to success, but many lack the framework they need to successfully manage their data. Ensuring your customer master data is properly mastered and secured, especially with the recent introduction of GDPR, is an important step to ensuring your business doesn’t become the next Dixons Carphone.

“There’s also an argument for reframing the way your organisation thinks about data – the more everyone in your business understands data processes, the more control you will have over the data you hold.”


Data transformation can be the first step to making your business GDPR compliant – and keeping it that way. At Comma, we help you implement your Master Data Management solutions effectively across all areas of your business. To find out more about how Comma Group can help you, visit our website, or contact us at [email protected]