Going the distance: servicing your MDM & PIM systems to get to your data destination

No one drives a brand-new car off the forecourt and expects it to run forever... every vehicle needs a bit of attention to stay roadworthy. The same is true of your data management system.

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When was the last time you got your car serviced? Changed the oil? Filled it with petrol? Replaced a tyre?

No one drives a brand-new car off the forecourt and expects it to run forever. Any vehicle needs a bit of attention to stay road-worthy – from day to day jobs like filling the tank, to scheduled services and even unexpected repairs.

The same is true of data management systems. To stay fit for purpose, every MDM or PIM system needs maintenance. Expecting to implement an MDM platform and let it tick along without any upkeep is much like buying a new car and being surprised that it eventually runs out of oil, or needs an MOT.

Yet unlike servicing a car, keeping up with your MDM or PIM’s maintenance isn’t always straightforward. There’s no fuel gauge to tell you when to top up the gas, or warning light to tell you that something needs attention. Some vendors are able to offer repairs and maintenance, but understanding what your system needs and when it needs it is up to you.

As a result, a lot of businesses find that their MDM or PIM systems don’t ‘go the distance’. After a while, the platform either stops working as it should, or stops providing the data solutions that the business needs. But while you wouldn’t buy a new car every time a tyre needs replacing, too many businesses find themselves hopping to a new system in order to get the results they want from their data. It’s an approach that’s not only costly, but means that the same issues will occur again further down the line.

At Amplifi, we make maintaining data management systems simple to help our clients reach their long-term data goals. We support our clients in maintaining and improving their data management solutions over time, dealing with day to day problems, identifying solutions and improvements, and working with vendors to deliver the best business results from MDM and PIM platforms.

Here’s how it works:

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While we’re exploring this car/MDM analogy, let’s get another thing straight. You wouldn’t fill your car’s tank with chip fat, or try to charge your EV with a triple A battery. Quality fuel is essential. What you put in is as important as the machine running it: in short, your MDM or PIM is only as good as the data you put in. Amplifi can also help you to get to grips with your data quality and data governance, to make sure every data project is always fuelled with reliable, relevant and accurate data.

To find out more about Amplifi’s service and support offering, download our support guide below, or get in touch with one of the team!

Download our guide to MDM & PIM support.

Find out how our Enhanced and Standard support packages can help your business troubleshoot, evolve and scale your MDM or PIM technology.

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