Guide: Amplifi's Data Literacy Reading List

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Learning a language is not easy…

As Gartner said, “over the next two years, data literacy will become essential to driving business value through data”.

If businesses want to achieve a data-driven future, data literacy has to become a more wide-reaching skillset: one that unifies everyone under a data democracy, instead of dividing the workforce into the ‘data literate’ and the ‘data uneducated’.

Download Amplifi's Reading List

So, how can data leads – CDOs, CTOs, CIOs – increase data literacy across their organisation, to ensure that everyone who handles data has the same foundational knowledge, creating a data culture that puts digital information at the heart of everything? The first step to becoming literate is access to the right literature.

Download our reading list of our top 6 data books that will help data professionals to share their knowledge and take the right approach to data literacy for their organisation’s needs.