Only 42% of marketers are satisfied with the quality of their customer data

The seventh annual edition of Salesforce’s State of Marketing report shows customer data continues to be a hot topic for marketing leaders

Every year Salesforce release their State of Marketing report, and this year’s surveyed over 8,200 marketing leaders worldwide during May and June 2021.

Whilst the report is wide ranging, it’s clear that customer data continues to be a hot topic for marketing leaders, with a section dedicated to data, aptly titled: ‘Marketing is Spelled D-A-T-A'.

The key takeaways from the customer data section of the report include:

  • Only 42% of marketers are completely satisfied with the quality and hygiene of their customer data which, as Salesforce point out, “marketers have made only marginal – if any – progress in improving data hygiene”
  • Data sources continue to grow with an average of 14 data sources expected by 2022 from both B2B and B2C companies, showing a clear need for data governance and good data management
  • 78% of marketers say their customer engagement is data-driven but only 33% are satisfied in their ability to create more relevant experience using customer data
  • As third-party cookies are restricted, the popularity of known digital identities and transactional data is soaring with marketing leaders due to the value of reaching customers at various points on their unique journey with a brand

Get data right, then innovate

At Comma, we recognise that many brands want – and need – to offer customers the best possible experience, whether that’s online or offline. Whilst there’s lots of fun, exciting tools out there at a marketer's disposal, none of it will work without a solid foundation of high quality, well managed customer data.

We recently published a guide on how to drive real value from customer data which you can download here.

We also have guides on the top tips we’ve learned along the way when it comes to data governance and data quality.

If you want to derive more value from your customer data, please feel free to get in touch with us.

How well do you know your customers?

In this customer data guide we take you through the lifecycle of good customer data, from getting the information you need, to making the right data-led decisions for your business, including:

  • Who is your customer? What data makes up each individual that you are selling to?
  • What customer data do you need, and where can you get it?
  • What you can and should do with a golden record?
  • The importance of breaking down departmental silos
Download Guide