Think you’ve got a data problem? Then you probably do.

The good news is: by acknowledging your problem, you’re already on the road to recovery.

The other good news is: there are tonnes of products that can take you from drowning in data to optimising your data for business success.   

The question is: which one do you need?

At Comma, we’ll help you choose and implement a master data management (MDM) or product information management (PIM) solution that’s effective and sustainable for your business. 


By conducting an MDM Technology Assessment that:

  • Gets to the root causes of your data issues  
  • Analyses exactly what you need from a solution
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Do I really need an assessment? 

Yes. Realising that you need a data management solution is only the first step. To get the rightsolution, you first need to understand the problems you’re trying to solve. Through an MDM Technology Assessment, we can examine the current state of your data, your data objectives and how your organisation interacts with its data. 

Through starting off with an MDM Technology Assessment, we can build a practical and executable roadmap of change to support a business’s objectives.Through this method we have been able to help some of the largest organisations across the globe change the way they manage and value their data, and in turn use their data to influence meaningful business outcomes. Don’t believe us? Take a look at some of our key clients.

At Comma, it’s simple. We're MDM Mixologists, we help our clients create the right recipe for their data transformation and give them the tools they need to bring it to life. Investing heavily in MDM and PIM technology won’t solve your organisations data problems in one go. It is one part of a much wider process but beginning with an MDM Technology Assessment is the best place to start. 

Find out more. 

Contact Callum on 07854 801 361 or via email [email protected]

We'll talk you through the MDM Technology Assessment process and explain the positive impact it will have on your team, your data, and your business vision.

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