Webinar: Amplifi & Semarchy | Deliver MDM Value Fast

How a high impact start with MDM will drive rapid adoption in your team, demonstrate ROI in weeks and get buy-in for future MDM investment

Replay this LinkedIn Live session between Amplifi and Semarchy discussing how you can make a quick start with MDM and why it will bring major benefit to your organisation in both the short and long term.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Why to pick and solve challenges that demonstrate rapid value quickly
  • How to drive rapid MDM adoption across your whole organisation
  • Why proving ROI quickly gets stakeholder buy in for future MDM initiatives
  • How accelerators built from experience of MDM deployment can be used
  • How to take advantage of AI and LLM's to drive accuracy and speed

Who's on the panel?

  • Andy Baillie, VP UK & APAC at Semarchy
  • Guy Bradshaw, Consulting Director at Amplifi

Listen to the session below, and get in touch if you have an MDM challenge to discuss with the team. To learn more about Amplifi and Semarchy's partnership, download our partnership guide Accelerating the value of MDM below.

Ready to watch?

Download Guide | Amplifi in partnership with Semarchy: Accelerating the value of MDM

Amplifi Semarchy x DM Guide Mockup