Webinar: Are you ready for ETIM?

Leading industry experts join Amplifi to discuss all things ETIM

ETIM has been adopted by the electrical and construction industries to help businesses get control over the chaos that can often ensue in the supply chain. By using an internationally accepted product classification model, companies dealing with product data for sectors such as HVAC, plumbing, building and sanitary are able to all talk the same language and trade more effectively online.

Recorded on Thursday 10th June 2021, our panel of industry experts discussed why ETIM is important, the benefits of ETIM and the current state of ETIM adoption across various industries.

The panel is made up of:

  • Pauline Kirk, former CTO and Group Data Director at CEF
  • Richard Appleton, General Manager, EDA Data Services at EDA
  • Dave Bate, ETIM Project Manager at BMF
  • Stuart Squires, Consulting Director (& ETIM subject expert) at Amplifi

ETIM: 3 steps to standardising your data

In this handy guide, Stuart Squires, our Consulting Director and resident ETIM expert, goes into detail on the three steps you need to take to prepare for and act on the ETIM classification.

Download Guide now