What you need to know about Data Quality

Here, our data quality expert, Arun Chandar, VP Data Management, shares his list of tips and key preparation points for anyone thinking about tackling data quality.

“So many organisations think of data quality as an afterthought, to fix problems after they’ve occurred. In reality, it’s not an impossible or drastically expensive task to set up a proactive data quality program. You can fix and maintain operational data before you hit problems, so that your business can start trusting it to make decisions”

- Arun Chandar

With the right steps, you can get results in as little as three or four weeks, resulting in data you can trust to make the right decisions and fuel your business goals.

  • Focus on tangible outcomes right from the start.
  • Build data quality processes for things that matter.
  • Measure your success throughout.
  • Start small.
  • Get as many people on board as possible.


Rally your team together and discover what the clear, overarching goal of your Data Quality endeavour is. Have this on a banner from day one, hang it above your desk, over the door, get t-shirts printed...do whatever it takes to always relate your efforts back to this end goal.

Be it compliance, regulations, customer success, product time to market, web completeness, the list goes on… Prioritise your efforts on the areas that will glean you the most success in the short term. When you have proved its worth in these areas, these processes can then be replicated elsewhere.

Are the data quality tools and processes that you are employing actually helping you to achieve the business objectives you set out to? Define KPIs early and explicitly – this will allow you to keep referring back throughout the process, and keep everyone on track.

Find one recognisable issue and use it to get your first “quick win”. You can build upon this foundation and use it to find what works when you start scaling out to other areas.

You want to empower your business to improve data without it feeling like a burden on individuals. Get as many people as possible involved early – you will be surprised how much they contribute from day one and the insight they bring to their areas of the business. Plus, they will feel more invested further down the line!

Data Quality doesn’t need to be expensive, confusing or time consuming. It is possible to get clear, tangible results quickly.

Preparing yourself properly allows you to build this process once, and re-use multiple times across your business, exponentially saving time and energy going forwards.

If you need help getting started, give us a call on +44 1926 911820 or email [email protected] to speak to a Data Quality expert.