Why does Data Quality matters to your customer’s experience?

The gap between what consumers expect and what businesses deliver is widening. Data quality is the bridge between the two.

It’s no longer enough to just provide a great customer service. Now, consumers want to be spoken to in their language, across the platforms they use, at the time of day they will be interested.

But businesses aren’t meeting this new expectation, according to a new report from Redpoint Global and The Harris Poll. Compared to marketers, half as many consumers say the brands they interact with are doing an excellent job in delivering an exceptional customer experience (CX) (26%). In fact, 48% say the experiences they’re provided with rarely meet their expectations.

So, what’s causing this gap between the CX businesses are delivering, and the actual CX that customers expect? Two words: data quality.

Only when brands have a clear, consistent customer data – built on the back of data governance rules – will they be able to provide the seamless, omnichannel, personalised experiences customers expect. So why does data quality matter so much to CX? And how can it bridge that gap between what brands deliver and what customers expect?

The data tailor: personalisation at the heart of CX

Let’s say you’re in the market for a fresh outfit. Sure, you could buy something off the rack – but if you want something that really fits, a tailor’s your best bet.

The tailor can’t just make it up though. They need the right measurements, taken with the right tools, so that they can give you the garments in the right size and with the right fit.

It’s a similar story with your customer experience. When you have the correct data to hand, can you give customers the right CX – an experience that’s personalised, bespoke and tailored to their needs. An experience, in other words, that fits.

According to the Redpoint Global and Harris Poll report, 69% of consumers claim the pandemic has made it more important for bands to know their individual needs and preferences. In fact, 39% of them won’t even do business with a brand that does not offer a personalised experience.

That’s why businesses need to put data at the heart of their personalisation. If you don’t know what makes your customers tick, how are you supposed to tailor your services to them?

Ask questions about your customers. What do they respond to? What channels are they using? Where do they live, what do they do and what do they care about? Only when you know these things can you start creating campaigns that matter.

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It’s not enough just to have data – you need data quality

You don’t just need any data. You need data that is pristine, comprehensive, accurate and up to date. Otherwise, you can’t offer a personalised experience that will build any sort of trust with your consumer.

According to the report, personalising experiences is the top driver of advancement in today’s CX strategy. And yet, just half of consumers (51%) believe that businesses are failing to personalise their experiences because data they have isn’t accurate or up-to-date.

Why is this bad? Because if your data quality is poor, you might end up targeting the wrong people, whether it’s a company that’s moved to a new address, a person that’s switched to a new career, or a whole demographic of consumers that your product or service is irrelevant to.

Let’s say a bank wants to send out a mortgage offer to a customer – but due to a lack of accurate data, they’ve ended up targeting customers in their 20s, at the start of their career with no savings. Will that customer feel happy? Or just alienated by an offer that is utterly irrelevant to them?

There’s a reason why data quality is the area that has seen the biggest Marketing Technology investment in the last year (63%). It’s because inaccurate or out-of-date data make it virtually impossible to deliver an omnichannel CX in line with consumer expectations.

Bridging the CX gap with better data quality

There’s a gap between what customers expect from their CX and the reality of what brands are currently delivering. You can help bridge that gap with data quality and data governance, and provide a personalised, omnichannel CX that will gain customer loyalty.

Think back to our tailor analogy - people can shop around for a similar outfit in more than one place – but chances are they’ll end up heading back to the place where they had a fantastic customer experience.

But what counts as a great customer experience is constantly changing as customer expectations shift and grow. That’s why it's even more important to put data quality at the heart of your CX strategy.

Does your business struggle to monitor and use data effectively? It could be affecting your customer experience. Find out how in Revisiting the Gaps in Customer Experience – a guide from Redpoint Global and The Harris Poll. Fill in the form below to download your copy!

Redpoint Gaps in CX 2021 White Paper FINAL mockup

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This report explores the ever-evolving customer experience. Focussing on how marketers and consumers have, and will continue, to adapt.

Find out more about our partnership with Redpoint Global here.