Is your business ‘data fit’?

What does it mean to be ‘data fit’ and what are the benefits of getting your data strategy in shape? Let Amplifi be your data fitness instructor this January...

It’s January, and we all know what that means. New year, new you.

This will be the time when businesses look at themselves in the mirror and say: I will get my data into shape.

But here’s the truth: actions speak louder than words. It’s one thing to say you are going to change your data strategy – but will you actually go through with it? Just like getting fit, improving your data management takes time, effort, sweat and tears. But it’s so much easier when you have a fitness coach on hand to guide you and help you put the right solutions in place.

This January, Amplifi will be your personal trainer, showing you how to establish a data fitness plan that will get your data into shape, and how your business can start pumping serious iron when it comes to discovering actionable data insights.

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No pain, no gain

To ensure your business data is lean, efficient and fit for purpose, you need a solid data strategy. But what’s actually in it for you?

Being ‘data fit’ means using your data to achieve your business goals. It means having high-quality data to hand at the right time, in the right place, helping you to take actions that will reduce costs and risk while increasing efficiency and revenue.

You could be using customer data to create personalised experiences for retail/casual dining customers. It might be using a PIM solution to give you better insight into your product data to improve your data consistency across multiple channels. Whatever it is, when you have the right data strategy, you’ll start seeing the results. But first you need to…

Get into the data fitness mindset

Going to the Data Gym isn’t just a physical undertaking. It’s a state of mind. It’s about having the willpower to take that first step to improving your data quality and keeping it up. The best way to build that mindset is to have a plan in place – even better, to have someone to show you how to do it.

To get the best gains, you need to assess where your business’s strengths and weaknesses are, and where you want to get to. At the gym, your goal might be to gain more confidence and have more energy. In the data gym, your goal might be to have more real-time, accurate and reliable data insights.

Just like a personal trainer, Amplifi works with clients to understand their business vision and objectives, allowing us to create a data strategy and roadmap that complements their goals, whether that’s implementing PIM for better supply chain management, migrating data onto a new system or providing single source of truth for data.

Choosing your data fitness plan

You’ve realised the importance of getting your business data fit. You’re mentally and spiritually prepared. Congratulations. But as nine-time Olympic swimming champion Mark Spitz once said, “If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.”

You need a plan in place – one that considers your specific business data requirements. Go to the gym in real life too much and you’ll burn out. Don’t go enough, and you won’t build the momentum. Got a diet plan in place? If not, good luck sticking to your nutrition goals.

The same is true of data: fail to plan correctly – with the right data governance, quality, migration and other initiatives – and your data strategy will crash and burn like someone who tries to run a 10K after a year spent on the couch.

Not only that, but you must use the right machines to get the results you need. Want to become a pro weightlifter? A Peloton might not be the best choice. In the same way, a Customer Data Management (CDM) solution might not be the right option if you you’re focussing on supply chain data and product provenance.

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Keeping up with the data business programme

You’ve been to the data gym. Your business has officially reached its data fitness goal and is now more ripped than a Velcro Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now what?

Well, obviously you don’t want to let things slip, but as we’ve said before businesses (and their data requirements) don’t just stay the same. Your data goals adapt and adjust constantly to match your market. You need to be able to identify your next steps with data and assess whether your technology is still able to support your new goals: it might be time for an upgrade, or there might be further capability to unlock in your existing data management system.

For instance, if you are expanding rapidly you may need your MDM solution to scale up to keep track of big data generators – such as employee performance and logistics – as well as product lines, sales and supply chain operations.

That’s why you need someone who can give you support as you progress – who can help you unlock new opportunities with your data (and your tech), get better results and keep your business moving forward.

Let Amplifi be your personal trainer

We deliver bespoke data management solutions that help businesses fight through the burn and deliver serious returns with their data.

Whatever your organisation, Amplifican get you data fit with a fitness plan that will get your business moving. Download our guide to building your data fitness below, give us a call on +44 1926 911820 or get in touch today.

Ready to start your 'Couch to Data Fit' program?

New year, new you. Introducing Amplifi’s Data Quality Bootcamp, our guide to a four-week appraisal to define your data fitness and take the first steps to improve your data quality for good.

Download our guide to becoming Data Fit and see the results for yourself...

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