News & Resources

Resource Guide: 6 expert top tips for building your Data Strategy

Guide: 6 expert top tips for building your Data Strategy

Resource Guide: ESG Unchained - A guide to finding your ESG hotspots

Guide: ESG Unchained - A guide to finding your ESG hotspots

Blog Challenge accepted: How banks can use customer data to beat the digital competition

Challenge accepted: How banks can use customer data to beat the digital competition

Amplifi explores how effective customer master data management can help established mid-tier banks challenge the digital competition.
Blog Case Study: How better data management creates better connections between RHP and their customers

Case Study: How better data management creates better connections between RHP and their customers

Through better data management, Amplifi are helping RHP, a leading housing association, meet their goal of putting customers at the heart of everything they do.
Blog A vault of data, or a valuable picture of a customer?

A vault of data, or a valuable picture of a customer?

Why every bank needs a 360-view of every customer in today’s challenging financial landscape
Resource Guide: Banking on Customer Data

Guide: Banking on Customer Data

Blog How can data make your citizens happier?

How can data make your citizens happier?

Data issues are preventing local authorities from getting the full picture of their residents, and it’s creating problems that should be easy to avoid. So what’s stopping authorities from addressing these frustrations?
Blog Safe as Houses: Using data to stay compliant 

Safe as Houses: Using data to stay compliant 

Data is critical to showing compliance with RSH regulations. Here’s how Housing Associations can make sure their data is up to the task.
News How becoming data-driven is helping Barnardo’s achieve their strategic goal of creating better outcomes for more children

How becoming data-driven is helping Barnardo’s achieve their strategic goal of creating better outcomes for more children

Find out how the UK’s largest children’s charity is using data to better understand the needs of children, young people and families which it supports.