PIMpoint Event Report

A tale of data, doughnuts, and dancing. The Comma team travelled to Sweden for inRiver's partner event.

The Comma team arrived in force at Copenhagen airport on Wednesday lunchtime. After a brief delay, and some navigational challenges, we were full steam ahead across the bridge to Malmo.

The first thing we were struck with as we arrived to set up for PIMpoint19 was the charm of the venue. From the stained-glass windows, to the rugged brick and steel work, combined with the creative layout, we were all instantly enamoured. After a quick spin around our booth, we headed out to prepare for the next day (accompanied by an elk burger, and some moose meatballs).


An early start on PIMpoint Day 1 saw us in prime position to greet the 900+ attendees, a mixture of customers, partners, and those interested in a data solution. After a storm around the coffee cart, and some tension building music and light displays, the kick off speeches were underway.

The day began with some powerful messaging from Thor Johnson, CEO of inRiver, “we’re all here for one thing, to learn from each other.” With reciprocal learning being a key foundation of Comma’s methodology, we were understandably thrilled that this mentality is being shared readily across our partners and industry.

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Next to the impressively laid out stage came Steve Gershik, CMO at inRiver who, after our recent interview, we were all eager to watch! Taken from extensive research, some serious home truths definitely grasped the audiences attention:

“Nearly 1/3 of online shoppers will abandon your website within 10 seconds if they think you’re missing product information.”

“Customers agreed that they would rather pay more for a better customer experience.”

These facts clearly highlighted the overwhelming, monetary value of efficient product management, and an adaptive customer experience. Customers at present are expecting a higher level of service than ever before, and if you are not able to adapt and keep up with these increasing requirements it can have a tangible impact on your business.

The room was buzzing with conversation after such a strong start, and networking was soon in full flow. A cleverly thought out layout ensured that all attendees spent the majority of their time together in the partners hall.

After a variety of conversations held, talks attended, and noodles consumed, the Comma team reflected on the success of the day, and the clear gap for a data-centric mindset in the business landscape today.

Through interactions with a variety of attendees a common theme emerged; that companies were endeavouring to keep up with their customers’ needs, and were starting to realise the vital role that efficient data management would need to play. This was music to our ears, and well worth the trip!

Day 1 wrapped up with the PIMpoint awards dinner, an evening filled with dessert, and questionable dancing. A special mention to inRiver’s resident DJ for turning a professional data event into a Swedish nightclub within a matter of minutes…

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Doughnuts. The overwhelming sight of a wall comprised only of baked treats was the welcome of dreams as we entered the venue to kick off the second day of the conference.

Once everyone had come down from their sugar rush, Thor Johnson took to the stage once again to discuss inRiver’s partner landscape. He made it clear that “30% of inRiver’s business comes from partners, but they do 100% of their business with partners.” It was gratifying to see the value of expert partners in the PIM and MDM space, such as Comma, being celebrated in this open forum, and showed huge scope and opportunity for the future.

After a long couple of days, Comma returned home tired, full, and genuinely excited by the prospect of helping more businesses realise the true potential of their data in this ever-evolving world of commerce.

Our Team Takeaways:

“PIMpoint was a great forum to hear about exciting developments in InRiver PIM, and a great opportunity to network with inRiver clients, and the wider partner community.” – Mark Thorpe, Global Head of Business Development

“There was a great atmosphere at PIMpoint, with a genuine excitement around PIM. It was interesting to hear that some organisations are not getting the benefit of PIM, due to poor data quality. Social commerce is driving people to adopt PIM, and embrace a data driven culture. This event reaffirmed to me that PIM will only be successful if people, process, and technology work in harmony.” – Callum Macburnie, Global Head of Alliances
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"What a fantastic event! PIMpoint was full of great sessions on a large variety of topics. It was also a great opportunity to network within the PIM community. The event was very well organised and the whole inRiver team was very friendly. I look forward to coming again next year." - Lisa Michelle Haynes, Business Development, Europe
“PIMpoint was a really well-organised event with a cross-section of companies across multiple sectors, with varying requirements from the conference and the partners present. A really insightful 2 days, learning about the challenges faced by companies, both from the companies themselves and from industry experts, with great examples of how some of these challenges have been or could potentially be overcome and crucially how Comma could add real value to defeating these challenges as an InRiver partner.” – Dan Fisher, Business Change Capability Lead