Once you have a process in place to manage your metadata, more teams and people will be able to benefit from seeing and using the information provided. Repeat use of master data means that the sources of that data will become a much more valuable asset, and your business in turn will benefit from the reliance on accurate and contextualised data insights.
The value of the data increases with the more confidence you can hold in it… so it’s a no-brainer that having clean, accurate and digestible metadata will enable you to have more trust in each piece of data, and increase its value to your business.
Upping your efficiency
Companies are both generating and consuming data in huge quantities. Consequently, understanding the context of data has become vital for data governance and general management.
It’s easy to get bogged down in large data sets that have been gathered from multiple sources, without knowing the value of that specific data. A proper metadata management framework helps organise the specifics of each piece of data will not only improve an organisation’s general productivity, but also make it more efficient.